Binary Options Trading- Thomas Greenfield’s Success Story


Good time of day to the clients of Binary Options-trend and to those, who simply wanders on the site! After learning that here, is the section about the success stories, have decided to tell my own.

I discovered binary options about nine months ago while searching online for alternative ways to earn money. I never even considered that trading could possibly be a viable option for me, but that’s the great thing about binary options, they way they have managed to simplify trading so that even someone like me with no background whatsoever in finance can trade and earn money from home. It’s not easy, don’t get me wrong, and you have to work hard to get the hang of the trading platform and educate yourself constantly about what is going on in the markets, but with hard work and perseverance you can successfully trade binary options and make money at it.

The great thing about trading binary options is that all the complexity on the trading end has been stripped down and streamlined so as to make entering trades as simple and quick as possible, but obviously the complexity on the other end of the trade, the market itself, remains the same. So all you need to do to enter a trade is select an asset and decide whether you believe it will rise or fall in value within a given period of time. A forecasted rise is called a CALL trade, and a forecasted fall is called a PUT trade. If your forecast turns out to be true you profit to the tune of a fixed percentage of the money you invested in the position, usually between 60 and 90%. It’s that simple, but as I was saying before the market itself remains that huge seemingly impenetrable beast of seemingly infinite complexity, it’s just the parameters of the trade that have been pared down. This means that almost anyone who is dedicated and patient enough can learn to trade binary options, and depending on how able they are to research their chosen assets and keep abreast of the news that affects their value, they can be pretty successful at it.

I started out doing this thing part time, just a few hours a day after work. I was very conservative at first, placing lots of very small trades to see how well I could manage my relatively slim risk capital in my trading account. Gradually I became better at it and more confident at using the platform, then as the months progressed and my knowledge increased (I never stopped researching, still haven’t) I began to see the connections much clearer between a seemingly unrelated news item and the currency pair I was trading, or the commodity that would be indirectly affected by the news. This is the magic of trading and is truly the most intoxicating part of the game, for me at least. Feeling out the sentiment on the market, becoming attuned to other traders and their beliefs regarding the assets you trade, being able to synthesise disparate areas of knowledge and bring them all together in a profitable trade. There is really nothing quite like it. And so now, 9 months later I have handed in my notice at work and plan to do this full time for a while, see how far I can take it, if it works out I plan to take my profits with me and emigrate to Australia. If it doesn’t, I’ll just have to go back to work again and keep plugging away at this part time until I’ve saved the money from my getaway from the rat race. Whatever happens it’s been an enormously rewarding experience.

Thomas Greenfield, London.